Sunday, August 3, 2008

And my new calling is.......

Bear Leader in cub scouts! I got called last Sunday and sustained in Sacrament Meeting today.
I am feeling very overwhelmed to say the least, as I know nothing (and I mean nothing!) about scouts.
Did my little brother go through cub scouts? I'm sure he did but I was too involved with my own life to pay attention! Was my husband the last cubmaster? Yes, he was but did I pay attention to what he did? No, we just went to pack meeting for the food and a little entertainment.
I'm a girly girl through and through, which I why I loved Young Womens!
Anyway, I guess I will have to be out of denial in a year and half anyway when Brandon turns 8, but I was hoping to avoid it until then. This might give me some clue of what I am going to be doing for the next 50 years with my 3 boys anyway, right!?
No, I am actually excited, and I'm sure I will love it once I know what I am doing. I don't think it's that I don't like change, but I do like to know what to expect and my responsibilities are. It's the unknown that is scary!
Wish me luck!


  1. You will do great!! Remember I had this calling before Heather--so if you have any questions I could help you out!! It will be fun!!

  2. This will be a great calling for you. I got released from being over scouts a few weeks ago, and I miss it so much. The boys will love you and you are so creative you'll think of a ton of stuff to do to make the activities fun. Good luck!

  3. Congrats on the new calling! Cub scouts would freak me out too. Although today I was thinking what would be even worse would be like adult sunday school! I hope my next calling is an easy one!

  4. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll do a great job with it. I wonder what our callings will be in our new ward.....

  5. I know nothing about cub scouts either. I guess you will be Garrett's leader then, right? He turns eight in September.

  6. You will be fantastic! It's always a little overwhelming when you get a new calling.


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