Thursday, April 23, 2009

Am I being a softie?

So, on Mondays and Thursday I get up early so all of us can be out the door by 8 to take T to preschool. T was laying on the couch and saying he was tired this morning. (Not something he usually does)

When we were walking in he was declaring he did not want to go to Creskool! He sometimes does that but is usually fine by the time I leave.

Today he was trying to hide behind my back and had tears rolling down his face and his little chin was quivering in sadness. I gave in. I took him home. Now he loudly playing hi-yaw games with his brother. I guess when he is this little I'm not teaching him that every time his chin quivers that he gets out of doing anythng hard. They are only little once after all. Would you have made him stay? In my defense his woke up with a bit of a cough and runny nose.
I guess this is payback for me though. When I was 3 or 4, my neighbors (who read this blog-sorry Valerie!) tried to get me to go to Bonneville's high school preschool. Those are actually probably some of my earliest memories. I remember being so shy that I would sit there and not participate in anything. At least he's not that bad!


  1. Do you need to borrow my tattoo?
    I gave in yesterday to Arika, she claimed she didn't feel good, so I let her stay home from preschool. I don't think it hurts once in a while.

  2. I think it's great you let him stay home. It's hard to know why they don't want to go, but sometimes a little break in the routine is helpful.

  3. I remember faking sick once when I was a kid and my Dad told me that sometimes kids just need to stay home. And, how are you supposed to ignore that cute little guy when his chin is quivering and he has tears running down his cheeks?

  4. Who could say "no" to that cute little face? And with the added chin quiver.....that would be tough!

    I let my daughter stay home when she says she is sick. However, I am mean and take away priviledges, because sick kids can't play on the computer or play with friends....right?

  5. I got called from the school to pick up Hailey this week. They said that she said her eye was hurting and it looked swollen to them. They said they thought it must be allergies. I know that Hailey doesn't have allergies, Garrett does. Anyway, she looked fine to me. The first thing she said to me when we got in the car was, "Jessica had to go home today too Mom." I have been told that I should have marched her right back inside---but I took her home, knowing that she was probably totally fine. I didn't want to confront or have to explain anything to the receptionists in the office!

  6. I think it's fine you let him stay home. Mother's do what they think is best. That's the way it should be.

  7. When Carson spent his short lived time in preschool I ignored his pleas to stay home. It ended up being a horrible experience (two months is all he lasted...she was really rotten) and I now wish I had listened... on the other hand I know that there are times they just need to be with mom. We have had a lot of days where things were planned and they got put off for another time because one child or another needed mommy time. I am really glad I have the ability to take that time with them.

  8. Ahhh... those good old days taking you to the preschool at the highschool. I don't remember you NOT doing anything, but you were shy.

    And I agree with the comments above. Sometimes a little kid just needs to stay home with mom. There may be no rhyme or reason other than one-on-one time. As they get older, some of those reasons need to be evaluated, but when they are this little, I say GO FOR IT!!!

  9. A little soft. No, I think you know what's best, so there's probably nothing wrong with letting him stay home.

    I, however, probably would have been the mean mom that made my kid stay. I don't think it would have even crossed my mom to just take him home. I guess we'll see what happens when I am in that situation. Some times a little mom time is magic.

  10. That should have said "crossed my mind" not "mom". Oops.

  11. Keep 'em home! They just want to be happy, right? Maybe it will be different the next time, but with the little chin quiver and those eyes, how can you resist? I say we should give our kids too much fuzzy love when they're little so that the tough love doesn't ruin them later:)


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