Monday, February 22, 2010

Family Night Olympics

So I told the kids to each come up with an Olympic event tonight for family night. They somehow each involved racing cars (boys!), and we had a great time. C was so excited that he made all of the medals himself. He found yellow, silver, and brown paper and cut them into circles and taped them to a ribbon with a piece of candy.

Miraculously, we kept the peace because the boys each won gold once (and silver once and bronze once) Yeah for no major fights during family night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow Caves

Just when you have almost lost all faith in children's ability to play with something that isn't plugged in, they do something to surprise you. B and his friend L from across the street decided they wanted to build a snow tunnel.
They have spent the last couple days working hard at it and today you can see all the way through to the other side. Victory! Great job guys. And a bonus picture of miss cutie pie.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mr. T turns 4!

I don't know why my kids are always born during major sporting event times. T is SuperBowl time, B is March Madness and Mr. C is the National Spelling Bee time. Or maybe when you are married to a sports nut, something will always interfere! But, thank goodness for DVR, the party must go on!

Anyway, we love having my T in our family. Besides teaching patience, T is still very innocent and is a very good player with a good imagination. He also loves learning and is good at puzzles. We love you T!

His cool new race track: